Orange Blur Circle Illustration
Abstract Minimalist Dots Shapes
Doodle Minimalist Line


Get ready

for change to happen.

Happy hours

but different!

WorkoutDAO is a platform that merges fitness with the Web3 ethos. It organizes group workout sessions at Web3 conferences and various cities, providing a health-focused pause from the busy work schedule. These sessions promote active living, networking, and detoxification from the day's intensity.

Each workout session offers physical activity and fosters community building within the Web3 sphere.

WorkoutDAO is more than exercise. It is a movement aimed at infusing wellness into the Web3 culture, one workout at a time.

Join us to stay active, connect with peers, and enhance your life with balance and health.

Join Our next Workout

July 7 9:30 AM

ETHCC warm-up ​RUN

July 8 10:3​0 AM

Climbing with ​Met​agov

May 31 8:00 AM

Bike Ride around ​Brussels

OUR GPT will prepare workout ​you need

Whether you want a full-body workout or to improve your shoulder mobility, our custom WorkoutDAO GPT can ​create a set of exercises tailored to your needs.

Cardio Workout - do in-between strength workouts!

Long-Distance Steady State (Running, Cycling, Swimming or Rowing)

- Description: Maintain a consistent moderate pace over a long distance or time to build endurance.

- Example Routine: Choose a comfortable pace that can be sustained. Continue at this pace for 1-2 hours, depending on the sport and fitness level. Focus on maintaining a steady breathing pattern and an even pace.

Fartlek Training (Running, Cycling, Swimming or Rowing)

- Description: A form of unstructured speed work mixed with continuous training.

- Example Routine: Start with a 10-minute easy warm-up. Freely alternate between fast segments and easy-effort. Fast efforts can range from 15 seconds to 2 minutes, and easy efforts can last anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes.

Continue this pattern for 30-45 minutes. End with a 10-minute cooldown.

Stair Climbing (Running, Biking for hills)

-Description: Use stairs or very hilly terain to provide a high-intensity workout that targets the lower body and increases heart rate

-Example Routine: Find a long flight of stairs or stadium steps. Warm-up with a gentle 5-minute walk. Climb the stairs at a fast but sustainable pace, then walk down slowly for recovery.

Repeat for 20-30 minutes. Cool down with a gentle walk and stretch.

Abstract Minimalist Dots Shapes

Community-run, HiIT, YOGA, CLiMB and more

You all decide where and what the next workout will be.

Join our Telegram to engage in discussion and decision!

We are web3 first

We are running a couple of experiments to determine the best way to curate and ensure the longevity and success of WorkoutDAO.

Experiment #2

We created like group where we can pool resources and decide on our next steps. Perhaps we could make team jerseys.

Experiment #1

We started a DAO and you will receive one FIT token for registering to any of our event and 5 FIT tokens for attending

Experiment #3

We will be giving every attendee a POAP to commemorate the run and to create a family tree of people who have worked out together.

Move to Stay Healthy

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Beepto LLC

228 Park Ave S PMB 61123

New York, 10003